How often do you recommend my dog to be scheduled?

Appointments are offered in weekly. bi-weekly and on-demand formats. Most clients schedule once a week and see great benefits mentally and physically, generally a consistent time and day appointment. During hot months summer months or poor condition winter months some increase the frequency to twice a week. You know your dog best and we can discuss options with you for your dog.

Do you work with multiple Dogs at once? What if my dog doesn’t like other dogs?

Run sessions are 1:1. Any multi dog sessions are dogs from the same household, or are pre-approved neighbors/friends.

Do I need to be home for the session?

We encourage you to attend the trial run so everyone can meet, and your dog sees your encouragement and positive affirmation. After that, you are welcome to hand off at the door or van.

How is the payment handled?

We accept cash, cheque or electronic transfers. Invoices and receipts will be over email.

What are the requirements for working with my dog?

Physical activity should be cleared with your vet. All dogs should be at least 6 months old before booking an appointment. Being up to date on vaccinations is definitely recommended, but not entirely necessary as a dog can be run on a 1 on 1 basis. We run dogs from 1 to 95KG(2-210lbs). For a successful experience their nails should be trimmed to a medium length at most. When a dog has longer nails they can find the experience a bit confusing or awkward for their stability. Whether they have mental or physical concerns please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.